Monday, June 19, 2006

In memoriam: Vignette (? - 18 June 2006)

Yesterday my mum's dog – Vignette – passed away. It was unexpected, because she was very healthy. The vet told her that because she had been barking at this big toad for too long in the blistering sun, she'd become overheated. At first my mum thought she'd been poisoned by the toad as she had foam around her mouth and was breathing oddly, but later at around 8 in the morning, the vet told her she had died of a stroke.

Vignette, who was given to my mum many years ago as a surprise present by some vagrant, was a real companion who hated cats and dogs (especially the little smelly ferret dog of the neighbours for which we gave Vignette all credit ^^), and loved my mum. A true Jack Russel implied that she would complain lots when having to get out of bed too early, or actually go where my mum wanted to go, but she could be as sweet as a cat, and had great facial expressions. She will be greatly missed, though by my mum of course more than anyone else.


At 12:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear... I hope Vignette is resting in peace...

At 4:20 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What terrible news, I am really sorry to hear it. It is always hard when our pets leave us so suddenly.


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