Today's interesting word...
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Yesterday afternoon I went to El Ateneo bookstore on Av. Santa Fe, looking for some books on Koreans in Argentina. To my surprise, when I arrived to the store I found HUGE number of ladies from all age spectrum surrounding the bookstore. And proportionally small number of police and giant security guys (I felt VERY small). Obviously they were not there because of my arrival (as my ego wanted to believe), but my innate curiosity gave up to the humidity of the day pushing me straight into very well air-conditioned bookstore. And the security guys (ultra men in black) inside too. Yet the bookstore was so nice I did not bother investigating what was going on.
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Well, I am going to use the blog as a sort of "Dear Diary" thing. I should have started this earlier, but I have been busy being a good tourist:-). Whilst I promise I will post sometime later the what'bouts of previous 26 days, I decided to start this today because I am all cranky. I shouldn't have left the apartment today as I walked four straight hours just because I can't read map. Or, because I read map upside-down and inside-out. I am a gifted child (this surely will make my parents proud... things I do to be a good daughter) who was born without any sense of direction. I surely got this part of my DNA all wrong from some strange mutation I suffered while I was in mum's tummy. And the shock was when I finally found the place (Centre for Latin American Migration Studies), I discovered that the library was closed! And what about all that info I found on web, ah? They should be working everyday, from 9.30 to 16.30 except for Wednesdays that goes to 12.30!!! I checked it last night, bummer!
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