Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Bakkelite beauties

In the 1920s, the Italian company Velox (based in Ferrara) set out to make super-espresso machines that were powered by electricity, a novelty at the time. In the 1980s Rotterdam's biggest collector of old bakkelite radios, my dad, stumbled on two cute Velox models on a market in Paris. Some time later, in 1999, he passed them on to me, because he knew I adored them. This week, and through eBay, I managed to get my hands on a black model from – I surmise – the late 1960s. Aren't they cute? RHM

Monday, May 29, 2006


Yes, yes, yes, I just made it! Mr Mordillo, that was a great fun, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! My sincere thanks to Dane for helping me with the curtain/post/fence part, really:-)! I made it, am great, hahahahahahaha:-)! hj

Shipping a cat from the Netherlands to Australia

Wanna know how much it costs to ship a little bit of feline royalty to Australia? I just submitted the receipts for reimbursement here: AUS$ 2760 (and that excludes the costs of chipping and the rabies vaccination, the petrol costs and the many things that are lost and have to be bought again). So, really, think along the lines of AUS$3000 (EUR€1785). I know I should be ashamed, but really it makes me smile; to think some people spend that kind of money on a watch, for example...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Poktori (nog twee weekjes...)

Omdat ik hier morgen een lezing moet geven, heb ik zijn verzorgster Lee maar even gebeld om te vragen hoe het met Poximus gaat: "Jeez, he certainly loves his dried fish, doesn't he!!?" Blijkbaar komt hij nu snel uit zijn hokje zodra ze in de buurt is, vooral om te checken of er nog gedroogde visjes in de aanbieding zijn. Volgens mij heeft iemand in Amersfoort hem dat geleerd... ^^

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Thanks for your amusingly interesting comments on my previous post:-)! I had never imagined that "someone" would refer my tatakua as the Kings' Tomb in Kyŏngju, hahahahaha!

Well, that thingo I asked you to guess is Paraguayan traditional open air brick+mud oven called "tatakua". Nope, it is not Spanish but Guarani (did you guys know that Paraguay has two official languages, Spanish and Guarani, being the latter the indigenous population's oral language???) and it literally means fire (tata)+hole (kua). It is a quintessential component of Paraguayan picture, really. I bet my chocolate that there is not one home in countryside Paraguay without a tatakua in the backyard:-).

And the bread thing you saw in tatakua is chipa. An icon of Paraguayan cuisine. I added the recipe to this post so you can imagine its taste:-). A town called Eusebio Ayala is reknown for making the yummiest chipa in the country -chipa barrero-, to the point all bus drivers (and not bus drivers too) on road actually do the chipa stop in Eusebio Ayala. Strongly recommended! hj

Chipa Barrero

250g of LARD!!!
8 eggs
500g of Paraguayan cheese (basically a curdled stage of of cheese making process before its massive solidification)
1 tablespoon of anise seed
1 tablespoon of coarse salt
1 cup of milk
1250g of mandioca flour (heavy-feeling-very-starchy flour from Manihot esculenta, also known as manioc, yuca, cassava, manioca, tapioca, Brazilian arrowroot OR mhogo, thank you very much)

Mix lard, egg and cheese. Add anise seed, salt+milk and mandioca flour (shift, of course), Knead more or less well. Shape chipa (traditionally they are ring shaped) and bake in very hot oven (250°C) for 25 min or in tatakua for 15 min. By the way, they were traditionally wrapped in banana leaves before their glorious entry to hot tatakua and further metamorphosis into edible-and-very-high-in-calories-yummy chipa.

You can always substitute lard for butter, Paraguayan chesse for mix of other cheeses (if so, add some lemon juice... hint, hint!) and part of mandioca flour for corn flour... although it would never taste the same:-S... Again, with all that saturated&non saturated fat plus cholesterol running through the blood vessel... maybe some modification tot he original recipe is not a bad idea after all...

Original recipe on but personalised (mine, of course) touches here and there. Translation by me.
Tatakua photo comes from google images and as for chipa photo, http://www.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Does anyone know what this is?

...if you just happen to say "YES, OF COURSE," please post your kind answer/comment on message board. Danke:-)! hj

ah, the photo comes from

Esta es la Mafalda

Esta es Mafalda, una tremenda argentina. Entre sus mil frases publicadas, dejame rescatar hoy un par (...) de ellas para animar el dia, si? Aqui voy... hj

"Sonamos muchachos! Resulta que si uno no se apura a cambiar el mundo, despues es el mundo el que lo cambia a uno!"

"Burocracia, su lechuguita."

"Hoy entre al mundo por la puerta trasera."

"Como siempre: lo urgente no deja tiempo para lo importante."

"A medio mundo le gustan los perros, y hasta el dia de hoy nadie sabe que quiere decir guau."

Dibujo y frases: obra y arte del Quino

Mordillo y sus rompecabezas

Soy una gran fanatica de los caricaturistas argentinos, Quino y Mordillo en especial. Vibro con cada frase de la Mafalda y el "que cuernos hago con el agujerito que siento adentro mio cuando no estas?" del Guille me derrite hasta decir basta. Desde que sali de Asuncion, como que Quino y Mordillo habian desaparecido momentaneamente de mi vida, para reaparecer con mas fuerza unos an~os despues. El domingo el Dane me compro las rompecabezas del Mordillo:-). Titulado 'Goalkeeper's wife', la idea es tan Mordillo que cada neurona de mi cerebro salto (acento pintado sobre o) de alegria por el glorioso reencuentro con el impetu argentino. Tirados ambos en el piso de la sala, anoche empezamos a ordenar las piezas y te cuento, era un cabo de risa total! Pareceria que aproximadamente 350 piezas corresponden al cesped... aun no tenemos la mas palida idea de como ordenarlas pero sobreviviremos y una vez completa la "obra", prometo poner en el blog la fotografia de la misma pa'que puedan apreciar nuestra dedicacion:-)! hj

...Gracias Don Mordillo por sus fascinantes dibujos y por devolver mis preciosos recuerdos!

Friday, May 19, 2006

A second visit to Poktori

I arrived at AQIS at 10:20 this morning to see my furry baby-boy, and was allowed to simply use Lee's key (Lee is the care-taker of "the cattery") while she went to some meeting. For two hours I stroked, hugged and nose-butted my very happy camper, who was almost as happy to see me as the Whiskas tuna treats. He was still a little restless, but Lee told me, "he just eats, yeah, and sleeps; he's a really easy-going cat". I now left 4 bags of dried fish and Whiskas treats in his pigeon hole (maybe I should just put a real pigeon in there for him next time), and I will ring Lee to make sure he gets them. Unfortunately, I will be unable to see him next week, so he's on his own for two weeks, and it really saddens me, but the good news is that I can go see him on his birthday, June 2nd! He will turn 9... Anyway, I have to thank the car for allowing me to drive back and forth (6.5 hours) without any hassle. Shame I came back home ill, but it was worth it (click on Poktori's picture to see it enlarged)

Thursday, May 18, 2006

D+hj woke up VERY early this morning...

and this team is to blame. Heavens, this Barcelona is perfect and Ronaldinho is not from this planet. Man, EU (tambem quero ser) GAUCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO:-)!!! hj

ps.: btw, D and myself discovered the shocking fact that Henry is actually "not a woman" and that he "stands by his feet." Believe or not, that was what Henry said after the match and tell you what, we were quite puzzled by Henry's declaration:-S...

The photo comes from

Ce solo l'Inter!

I admit, we were left out of the Champions League (again), the Scudetto has gone (again) to some other team I deny to name it BUT we won the Coppa Italia (again):-). 16 years supporting this team that never stops from surprising me (if you know what I mean)... Ce solo l'Inter!!! hj

btw, the photo comes from

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

And now for something completely different - Pt. 2

Once again it has been a week chained to my desk, churning out the work. Even still, I have managed to tear myself away from the joy of my thesis proposal review and scan the net for the next installment of silliness and distraction....

Enjoy! DHA

Page upon page of modified pics
If you have time to waste
Hot amplifiers
The art of bento (lunchboxes)
Human key holders
Groovy stuff and ideas from Tokyo
Something I have always worried about
A what?
Teddy remote control
Proof of global warming
Oh Jesus

Friday, May 12, 2006


After a long 3-hour drive to Sydney on a cold Friday morning, this week we were greeted by a stressed-out Poktori, who woke up hearing my voice, and began shivering, licking and nose-butting me. Dane and Heajin were, of course, greeted too...

The cell smells okay, but it was a little cold, so they put an electric blanket inside the small plastic house that the cats sleep in. I brought new, fur-like bedding, which was clearly appreciated. Outside we heard the unrelenting barking and miaowing of less cool pets, so it is understandable that Poktori had not yet finished his breakfast. Once we were there, however, he began to eat frantically, even trying to claw his way into the plastic bag full of dried 멸치 that we brought for him. It was like he was catching up on lost time. On June 9th, there will be much more catching up on that...

The little family reunion was made possible because of the loving care of Kees and Jasna, Katja and Sofie, and Evert and Willie. I am really grateful to them, of course, and I am sure Poktori will share one of his "roo" or crocodile sausages when they come over... ^^


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Poktori onderweg?

Het is nu 9 mei, en als het goed is, vliegt Poktori vandaag naar Kuala Lumpur, maar ik wil graag nog even het merendeel van de dierenartsen en diertransport-instanties in Nederland bedanken voor hun geweldige tegenwerking en gebrek aan professionaliteit. Heren, bedankt! Niet alleen heb ik de afgelopen maanden mogen genieten van hun voortdurend tegenstrijdige berichten omtrent de reglementen in Australië, maar de "officiële" dierenartsen in Nederland laten je graag een half uur wachten terwijl ze hun verhaal over kerstpakketten afmaken, alvorens de formulieren onjuist in te vullen. En natuurlijk betalen wij consumenten voor deze onzin. De laatste deed dat in Dordrecht vorige week, en dus mogen we nu fijn alsnog gaan duimen dat ze zijn papieren bij controle op Schiphol goedkeuren. Het zijn mooie maanden geweest; tijd dat ze bij de dierenartsen opleiding in Utrecht eens flink met honkbalknuppels gaan selecteren in het eerste jaar. Zucht... Voorlopig is het duimen geblazen...


Sunday, May 07, 2006

Kim Sisters key ad

For 29 US$ I have just managed to buy a Kim Sisters key ad from the Stardust Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada (with picture taken in 1969). The seller tells me the hotel is going to be shut at the end of this year, so I am lucky, I suppose, to get my hands on it. Basicaly, this is something that was stuck on a room key and advertised the entertainment on offer downstairs. The Kim Sisters were noted performers in the States from around 1959 to the early seventies, when their activities became limited to hotels and casinos. Those interested in Korea's most succesful starlets to date, might want to check out my "Supporting Our Boys: American Military Entertainment and Korean Pop Music in the 1950s and Early-1960s" in Keith Howard's Korean Pop Music: Riding the Wave (Global Oriental, 2006).


Saturday, May 06, 2006

Nifty news site

I came across this site the other day and thought it was a nifty collection of news feeds from various countries. Would be great if we could have one with news other than English. Guess we need more programing know-how.


Click here

Friday, May 05, 2006

And now for something completely different....

Scientific research has proven that during an average work day, it is necessary to frequently rest the mind from the regular chores of work. As part of what will hopefully become a regular feature of Ainslie Days, here is a collection of fun and silly links that I have come across while "hard at work". Should you, dear reader, come across any links you would like to share with us here at Ainslie Days, please add them in through the comments.

How to destroy the earth
Interesting pic

Now that's just silly
And this is dowright scary
Some people have too much time
Just what I need
A dogs life

Poktori's flight schedule

Dear possums,

Poktori's flight schedule is as follows: Tuesday 9 May, MH017 (MALAYSIA AIR) A'dam - Kuala Lumpur; Wednesday 10 May, MH141 (MALAYSIA AIR) Kuala Lumpur - Sydney (read: Koala Sydney), arriving here at 19:50.

His transport bill says: "Transport Temp: 15 °C, Volume: 0.08 m3". In a nutshell: he's not going to be happy about the temperature, and kuala Lumpur's record in terms of censorship means he will not get to see the hard-core version of "Mousetrap". Poor Poximus...


Thursday, May 04, 2006

Do we have some work to, or what!?

Check out this fellow blogger:

Nightmare on Ainslie street...

Only one month has passed since some one baseball batted the windows of the car parked across from our house, and yet, last night it was our neighbour's girlfriend who had the privilege of being offered a police car-ride home courtesy of – and I am quoting here; poor A. came to apologise to me as I was sitting outside this morning sipping an espresso – "going through a rough time lately". Tsk, that still is no reason to call those coppers what you called them last night, young lady! I am sure they love their mothers, but they would not do to them what you said they would...


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

누가 나 이녀석들 구해주~~

혜진이가 끔찍하게 좋아하는 녀석들입니다. 호주에서 어떻게 구할 방법이 없으려나... 귀여운 녀석들^^*

사진은 "한국 삽살개 보존회 (" 화보에서 퍼 왔습니다.


Making her stage debut on Ainslie Days comes, Chloe "no brakes" Alston. Chloe comes to Ainlsie Days with an impressive track record under her paws. In her early years she cut her teeth on the limbs of many unsuspecting visitors to her yard, not to mention a handful of garden implements. She received steady tutoring during her formative years under the watchful eyes of her Jindabyne prima-donna Auntie, "Ellie" Janssen. From an early age Chloe showed her natural predilection for the stage which saw her appear centre stage in the Canberra hit, "Where art thou, oh possum?", a biting attack on the wayward nocturnal mores of youthful tree dwellers of today. Following this great success Chloe felt the need for further study and refinement of her technique and this lead her to consult with her neighbourhood peers: Bunyip the kelpie-cross, Oscar the Pyrenese, Jim and Bundy Martina and irrepressible companion Zoe the Labrador. But this was not enough to whet the appetite of this Canberran/Italian hussy and she thus sought further canine tutoring under acclaimed Clovelly Beagle, "Brown Dog" Barley and Garran south-paw Blossom "legs" Alston. Her sabbatical years paid off with more than just smackos and ear rubs from her appreciative audience when she re-entered the stage for what would be her halcyon years. Chloe attracted rave reviews for her recent Doonkuna Street productions, "Mission Impossible: the trolley man" and "Let me eat them darn birds!" She captured critical acclaim from the wider neighbourhood audience though with her rousing operatic masterpieces, "Go back from whence you came strange man" and "The unwelcome visitor". Seeking to diversify her already solid backlog of work, Chloe set her canine sights on more challenging roles to revealed her softer, more tender and affectionate side. These more emotional pieces, it can be argued, divided her critics yet solidified her fan/food base. These works include, "C'm on, give us another slice of cheese!", "Leftovers of love - a tale of one man's scraps being another's love" and "Romantic evening strolls". What followed this string of smash hits was wave upon wave of support from her fans. However not wishing to fall into the complacency of twilight years, giving in to tummy rubs and ear scratches, or wallowing in the dried pigs ears and chicken carcass of success, Chloe has taken her career yet another bold step forward which will see her challenge herself, her critics and even her fans in a way never before conceivable. Yes dear reader, Ainslie Days is honoured to add to its star studded line up of Dutch wonder cat Poktori, Ms Chloe "no breaks" Alston, appearing as herself in a cameo role. Speaking on her recent decision to join Ainslie Days, Chloe was quoted as saying, "I have always loved a challenge, you know, like trying to catch the birds in backyard, chasing kids around the garage, that kind of stuff but I think Ainslie Days is the kind of challenge I am really looking for, and besides I have already worked with the group before. Kitchen maestro Roaldhino is just a whiz, Hea-Jin "빵순이" Park makes just the most divine bread and Dane, well he's just a good kind of knock around fella." When asked about the pending arrival of Dutch superstar cat, Poktori, Chloe commented that she, "eagerly looked forward to finally meeting the star she had heard so much about. After all, his antics and mannerism are world renowned!" Well dear reader there you have it, hot off the press! Stay tuned for more updates on the antics of Ainslie Days.....



Somebody ate Poktori's welcoming cake...

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Breakfast of champions....

All too many choices! This morning though it was baked beans on toast - perfect for a cold autumn morning!


For Inimini


푸른 하늘...

...은하수는 아니군요^^. 저희들이 살고있는 곳의 하늘입니다. 세상 어디와 마찬가지로 크고 작은 문제를 안고 있지만 아침에는 눈부시도록 파아아아아아아아란(^^) 하늘과 밤에는 수많은 별을 볼 수 있는 곳이라 캔버라에서의 생활이 나쁘지는 않답니다*^^*... 연구하다 말고 혜진이 올림

One day to get in shape...

"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses - behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights."

Poktori (Ali)